Signature Programs

Divine Dating Blueprint

Imagine breaking free from the loneliness and struggles of singledom. Instead enjoy embracing a life of love.

Are you stuck in the maze of singledom, unsure how to navigate? Perhaps you’re healing from loss or questioning your dating journey. Sound familiar?

Seven years ago, my world shattered with loss. Paralyzed by fear, I craved normalcy. Have you faced a similar upheaval?

Want to uncover a surprising secret to regain balance and embrace a profound new chapter, perhaps with a new partner?

Join my upcoming Masterclass: Divine Dating Blueprint.

Learn how you can experience the Magic of Sacred Synchronicity when you unlock the 4 Doorways to Divine Love and Connection.

Ready to embark on this journey?

Private Intuitive Guidance Sessions

Welcome to the realm of Sacred Synchronicity, where intuitive guidance meets transformative insights.

I’m Jan H. Stringer, the Voice of Sacred Synchronicity, and I’m here to guide you on a journey of self-discovery and divine connection.

Through private intuitive sessions, we delve into the depths of your soul, unlocking hidden truths and illuminating pathways to fulfillment.

As the creator of the Divine Dating Blueprint, I specialize in helping you navigate the realms of love and relationships with grace and intuition.

Together, we navigate the whispers of the universe and uncover the wisdom of your inner voice.

Are you ready to embark on this sacred exploration?

Sacred Synchronicity Circle Monthly Membership

Join the Sacred Synchronicity Circle, where magic unfolds and hearts unite in a shared journey of discovery. Each month bask in the high energy vibration as each person surfaces the wisdom together and where you will find your Divine voice. Imagine being in the presence of people who see, hear, and feel the authentic you. It’s magical!

This group call is an open invitation to all who feel called to connect with a community of kindred spirits, each committed to making a positive impact in the world.

Are you ready to step into the circle and embrace the magic of Sacred Synchronicity?